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Spanish Committee of the World Energy Council

About WEC?

The World Energy Council (WEC) is the world’s oldest independent and impartial organisation of energy leaders and professionals. Founded in 1923, the Council gathers diverse energy interests, bringing together more than 3,000 member organisations in some 90 countries, representing governments, private and state-owned corporations, academia and civil society.

About CECME?

The Spanish Committee of the World Energy Council (CECME) was founded in 1929 and is currently part of the Spanish Energy Club. CECME represents the World Energy Council (WEC) in Spain, coordinates the participation of the Spanish energy sector in the activities of this international organisation and is the reference interlocutor.

What does the CECME do?

The main activities of CECME are:

  • Dissemination of WEC reports, publications and analyses.
  • Representation of the Spanish energy sector in the Executive Assemblies and World Energy Congresses. Ejecutivas y en los Congresos Mundiales de la Energía.
  • Selection of Spanish experts to collaborate in the WEC Working Groups.
  • Collaboration with the WEC Regional Forums.
  • Presence in the different WEC Standing Committees.
  • Collaboration in the different initiatives promoted by the WEC.
  • Promotion of the Spanish presence in the WEC Future Energy Leaders programme.
  • Organisation of events of reference in the national energy agenda. nacional.
  • Publication of books and reports in the energy field.
  • Search for alliances with benchmark organisations in fields other than energy that complement CECME’s vision.
  • Collaboration in events and meetings of other organisations.


Yolanda Fernández. Chair


Yolanda Fernández.

Ana Belén Padilla Moreno

Secretary General:

Ana Belén Padilla Moreno.